This painting started off as my attempt to convey the emerald rainbow spoken of in Revelation 4:3 "...and a rainbow shining like emerald encircled the Throne." I wondered, how do you paint an emerald rainbow? In heaven the rainbow must be a complete circle right? So, thus I began to paint a round rainbow in emerald (green) colors. As I continued, this didn't seem to me to be what I wanted...instead the words of Psalm 1 came to mind "...they are like trees planted by streams of water, they bear fruit in season and their leaves never wither, everything they do prospers." And I began to see this as a prophetic statement over my family, and over anyone eleses who will receive this Word as well. The green represents life, growth, and prosperity. The cirlce is eternal, and the layers are the seasons of our lives and the maturity levels. So, this is a two-fold painting.
Laura, you so inspire me! I love this. I just back back from the women's conference at Bethel. Amazing! There are some painting techniques I would love your help with someday if you have time.