Sunday, December 5, 2010

One Sunday Morning

One Sunday Morning, while I was in church I was feeling like I could burst - how can I describe that I wanted to scream and shout and jump out of pure need to be near to God. Like I could feel Him, but I wanted Him to go so much deeper in my heart - into the recesses of my being. As I took this photo I saw a heart shape inside of the rose, backlit by the fire of the Holy Spirit. This macro shot goes much deeper than the human eye can see...into the very recesses and folds of the petals. Oh Lord, be the fire in my petals, be the Light in my soul - God see me. Your will be done in me despite my flaws. Run through my veins and fill me.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful picture, beautiful heart. i felt the same way Sunday. my heart is groaning for God.
