As the congregation was preparing for the tithe and offering one Sunday: I, sitting with my family in the second balcony, was looking onto the first balcony as the ushers were patiently awaiting the prayer from the Pastor to be over so they could pass out the buckets. I noticed one of the ushers walking behind the whole section of people with his hand outstretched in prayer over them. As he walked past them, I could see a flowing coming from his hand...like a covering and a prayer. I could see the glory of his prayer emanating from his hand over the people as he walked by. It was a prayer over the tithers...also the prayer covered the offering and every intention of giving whether physical ability was there or not. Thank God for praying ushers. I knew that had to paint this as a prophetic act and a reminder.
I love this visual representation of the power of prayer and being prayed over!