Holiness, holiness is what I long for. Holiness, holiness is what I need. The flame burns - it hurts - it cleanses - it stirs up passion and keeps it hot. This Holy flame has been burning up my life lately...to rid me of those things which are not pleasing. I want this burning. This flame does not kill, but saves us from ourselves - this flame redeems us by melting away the impurities to form a new creation - this flame sanctifies us - this flame leaves it's mark in our hearts and inscribes the name of the Lord inside. This flame burns inside me, and it is the Holiness of God who works in and through me to will and to do His good pleasure. What remains after being burned is the beautiful, warm, tingly embers of the Holy Spirit, who through Jesus will fan the flames into fire to keep passion and hope alive in me.
And He is so delighted in your pursuit of Holiness. You are so much closer than yesterday, and tomorrow you will be closer still! Love you my friend!