Thursday, April 4, 2013

Preserve me oh God

 "Preserve me oh God, let not shame stand in my way. I have no good apart from you.
But I keep running after broken cisterns that never satisfy.
Won't you open up my soul?
Preserve me oh God, write Your word upon my heart. I have no good apart from you.
Your streams of mercy, You're never ceasing.
Your streams of mercy, they have no end.
But I keep running after broken cisterns that never satisfy."

This song is playing in my head and my heart today.  Two days ago my family and I took a trip to Muir Woods and walked among the giant Redwoods and was reminded of the awesome beauty and freshness of God's work. I took this photo and felt a "God moment" in time. I want to say that...God, You are good, You are amazing and You are awesome and I love you so much!  The things I obsess over and run after...once obtained don't satisfy, they are cisterns that leak...I am a cistern that leaks.  Keep filling me oh God with your stream of mercy. Amen


  1. How fun! I'd love to take my crew to the Redwoods some day!

  2. Oh, I love the redwoods. So amazing! Thanks so much for your kind comment on my photo and verse!

  3. Such a beautiful photo my friend. So thankful you got to experience the Majesty of God there!

  4. Hi Laura,
    Such a beautiful photo, and the worship son also - your art is fresh and fileld with joy -So happy to have have found your blog, where you share your creativity!
