Friday, February 8, 2013

A Doe Set Free

I originally had this image come to mind while I was reading the Bible, the passage where Jacob is speaking a blessing over his sons before he dies. When he is speaking to Naphtali, he says "You are like a doe set free"...Gen 49:21 I just had to sit back and sigh (kind of like a selah). What a beautiful feeling, to be set free! I saw this image of a doe springing forth from the darkness that had her confused and lost and into the light of God's face. What a prophetic picture of myself at this time. A form of darkness and confusion had clouded my vision and had me living powerless and in anxiety. I HAD to paint this image, if only for say, I am Free!! Remember! Like King Solomon the lover, "leaping and bounding over the hills..." Song of Songs 2:8 Like "calves released from a stall" Mal 4:2 or, "...then will the lame leap like a deer" Isa 35:6 "As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after You" psalm 42:1 This is me...this is you. May this image bring you freedom.


  1. Yay! Look at you! You linked up your latest painting at my little linkey. I LOVE this one and I LOVE that we get to spend tomorrow thrifting and drinking coffee! Can't wait!

  2. What a nice story behind the painting. I wish I could paint or draw the images that Father gives me. But, it seems, all I am good at is stick figures.

    I enjoy looking at your doe.


  3. Hi dear Laura
    I am over via Batbie's and am pleasantly surprised by your post! Yes, dear one, living in our Lord Jesus makes us fly like the doe in your painting, free from all the limitations of this world. It is for freedom our Lord has set us free, so let us make sure we stay free and not become slaves to rules and laws again!
    Much love

  4. I love the story behind this whimsical yet still so strong and solid!
